European Journal of Applied Positive Psychology, Volume 2, Article 1, 1-2.
Editorial: The European Journal of Applied Positive Psychology going from strength to strength
Ilona Boniwell, Siobhain O’Riordan and Stephen Palmer
Citation: Boniwell, I., O’Riordan, S., & Palmer, S. (2018). Editorial: The European Journal of Applied Positive Psychology: going from strength to strength. European Journal of Applied Positive Psychology, 2, 1, 1-2. Retrieved from:
Editorial available as a PDF download.
Published on 25 May, 2018
Dr Ilona Boniwell is one of the European leaders in positive psychology, having founded and headed the first Masters Degree in Applied Positive Psychology (MAPP) in Europe at the University of East London. Nowadays, she heads the International MSc in Applied Positive Psychology (I-MAPP) at Anglia Ruskin University (that includes a dedicated positive psychology coaching pathway), teaches Positive Management at l’Ecole Centrale Paris and HEC, and consults around the world as a director of Positran and ScholaVie. Her main teaching expertise lies in the areas of positive psychology and positive psychology coaching, with research interests around: subjective time use, time perspective, eudaimonic well-being and applications of positive psychology to business, executive coaching and education.
Dr Siobhain O’Riordan PhD is a chartered psychologist and chartered scientist. She is Chair and a Fellow of the International Society for Coaching Psychology and member and Trustee of the International Stress Management Association (UK). Siobhain is also a trainer and course co-director on the stress management and coaching programmes at the Centre for Stress Management and Centre for Coaching, London.
Prof Stephen Palmer PhD is Coordinating Director of the ISCP International Centre for Coaching Psychology Research, and Founder Director of the Centre for Stress Management, London. He is the Honorary President and a Fellow of both the International Stress Management Association and the International Society for Coaching Psychology. He is an Adjunct Professor of Coaching Psychology at Aalborg University and Visiting Professor of Work Based Learning and Stress Management Work and Learning Research Centre, Middlesex University, and Director of the Coaching Psychology Unit, City, University of London, UK. He is a coaching psychologist and applied positive psychologist. He has written or edited over 50 books and has published over 225 articles.