Volume 2, Article 4

Is positive education too positive for the UK? Do we require a more nuanced approach to positive education in the UK?
Liz Robson-Kelly

Robson-Kelly, L. (2018). ‘Is positive education too positive for the UK? Do we require a more nuanced approach to positive education in the UK?’, European Journal of Applied Positive Psychology, 2, 4, 1-5. Retrieved from: https://www.nationalwellbeingservice.org/volumes/volume-2-2018/volume-2-article-4/

Volume 2, Article 4

Published on 2 August, 2018


Liz Robson-Kelly MSc MAPPCP is Managing Director of
Worth-it Positive Education CIC, Limehurst House, Bridge
St, Loughborough, Leics LE11 1NH, UK
Phone: 0300 323 3230
Email: Liz.robson-kelly@worthit.org.uk 
Web: www.worthit.org.uk
