Predictive Power of Self-Compassion in Anticipating Positive and Negative Workout-Related Emotions During COVID-19
Tünde Póka, Andrea Barta and László MérÅ‘Â
Citation: Póka, T., Barta, A., & Mérő, L. (2022). Predictive Power of Self-Compassion in Anticipating Positive and Negative Workout-Related Emotions During COVID-19. European Journal of Applied Positive Psychology, 6, 14, 1-10.
Processing dates: Submitted 14 May 2022; Resubmitted 5 September 2022; Accepted 15 September 2022; Published 2 December 2022
Aims: We have examined the predictive power of self-compassion in anticipating different types of negative (i.e., functional and dysfunctional) and positive (i.e., active, relaxed, safe/warmth) emotions in individuals who trained in gyms prior to Covid-19 but had to change their training habits during lockdown due to the epidemic (N = 76).
Methods: The Self-Compassion Scale (Short Form), the Emotional Distress Profile, and the Types of Positive Affect Scale were used to measure the variables included in the study.
Results: The findings showed that self-compassion is a predictor of the measured variables to varying degrees: for dysfunctional negative emotions R2 = 0.291; for functional negative emotions R2 = 0.159; for activating positive emotions R2 = 0.081; for relaxing positive emotions R2 = 0.159; and for safeness/contentment positive emotions R2 = 0.087. When the negative (i.e., self-coldness) and positive dimensions of self-compassion (i.e., self-warmth) were included separately in the models, they were predictive for dysfunctional negative emotions (R2 = 0.345), for functional negative emotions (R2 = 0.235), and for relaxing positive emotions (R2 = 0.156). In the case of activating positive emotions and safeness/contentment positive emotions the model did not have significant explanatory power.
Conclusion: Self-compassion is important in exercise context, can predict especially dysfunctional and functional negative emotions related to training change during COVID-19, and is also important to distinguish self-warmth from self-coldness.
Keywords: self-compassion, workout, gym, COVID-19, emotion
Tünde Póka is with Babeș-Bolyai University, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Department of Applied Psychology, No. 128 December 21, 1989 Boulevard, 400603, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Andrea Barta is with BabeÈ™-Bolyai University, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Department of Applied Psychology, No. 128 December 21, 1989 Boulevard, 400603, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
László Mérő is with Eötvös Lóránd University, Department of Affective Psychology, ELTE, Institute of Psychology, Budapest, Hungary